Thanks for stopping by...
For those of you new to Augmented Reality, a quick how to is below:

Step 1:
Accept the flash message to allow your webcam to be accessed by this site. Don’t worry, i cannot and will not take your pictures.

Step 2:
Place the augmented reality marker (behind the card, the one with the mouse pointer) in front of your webcam. Make sure your fingers are not covering the marker. Don't have my card?? Contact me.. have a quick chat.. you could also follow me on twitter: @emm_eye. I will be more than willing to share my thoughts about anything under the sky.

Step 3:
Stay updated (hopefully) on what i am doing. Get in touch. I’d love to hear back from you!

You need a high speed internet connection to watch this without lagging. There might be a delay and blank black screen, but hold the card for a little longer, and i shall join you soon-errr-ish.